We’ve all seen them! And we all want to be them!
The girlie who just *knows* if they do X in their business it will result in X revenue
But how..
How do they know?
No, they’re not necessarily better at business than you. No, they don’t have better ideal clients than you. And no, they don’t have better offers than you.
The REAL way that they know is simply really…
They pay attention to their potential blind spots!
What is a marketing blind spot?
A blind spot is “A portion of a field that cannot be seen or inspected with available equipment” as defined by Merriam Webster.
Let’s break that down a bit.
Have you ever watched a race? Nascar? Formula One? Pick your poison (I like them all!)
Each of the drivers have spotters.
What’s a spotter? Thanks, Wikipedia!
“A spotter in auto racing is a trained team member whose job is to relay information to their driver, keeping them alert of what is occurring on the track.”
And this also applies to marketing..
Because oftentimes we are so busy “driving” our business that we don’t slow down enough to listen to our spotters!
Marketing spotters that is! The key performance indicators and metrics that tell us how our business is really doing.
The marketing efforts that are actually driving revenue!
Sound a little overwhelming? I get that!
How do I find my marketing blind spots?
I’m a “put the outside of the puzzle together first” human too, so sometimes I feel like that means I have to consider all the things.
But what if…
🪴That’s not really helpful?
🪴Keeps you stuck in inaction?
🪴Is overwhelming?
🪴You look at so much data your brain gets 🤯
Honestly, friend, I feel like that happens way too often!
My advice be like a racecar driver!
Use your spotter to find your own line and then do more of what works, and less of what doesn’t in your specific business
One of the most important things you can do for your business is to find your own line.

The one that works best for the business you have, AND the life you want.
Determining your best line often comes from:
- Setting goals relative to your business. What does success mean to you?
- Measuring your marketing efforts so that you can determine which metrics drive your business forward.
- Beginning to experiment with your marketing efforts, in a way that feels good to you.
Not sure how to get started?
Let me explain!
How do I measure my marketing blind spots effectively?
The only way to do more of what works, and less of what doesn’t is to MEASURE your actions so that you can SEE the blind spots in your business.
I believe there are 4 different types of metrics that are important to monitor:
- Visibility metrics
- First touch point metrics
- Booking/sales metrics
- Nurture metrics

Not sure what any of those mean? I wrote all about in “4 Top Marketing Metrics Every Business Owner Should Start Tracking FIRST”
Each of these metrics are super specific to YOUR business. There aren’t “right” or “wrong” metrics – there are only metrics that matter to you!
We’re not looking to measure all the things, just for the sake of measuring them just like you aren’t looking to spread yourself thin and market for the sake of marketing.
You want your marketing efforts to produce results and to feel good too!
(Side note – I totally acknowledge that marketing doesn’t always feel good. What I mean when I say “good” is that it aligns with your value set. For example… you appreciate when people post their prices, so you market using up front pricing.)
What if you could just pay attention to the marketing metrics that drive revenue in your business, so you can do more of what works, and less of what doesn’t?
Great news – YOU CAN!
By finding YOUR blind spots.
Imagine being able to determine:
- Did my launch bomb, or did I actually have a reasonable conversion rate for the amount of people who saw my offer?
- Does my offer not sell well, or did I not actually tell enough humans about it to know if they were into it or not?
- Does whatever you are trying feel like it’s not working, OR is the data telling you it’s not working?
That’d feel good right?
4 Steps you can take to get started identify your blind spots today:
- Identify your top 4 marketing metrics
- Begin tracking them
- Identify patterns
- What do you see that is producing results that you didn’t think was working?
- What isn’t working that you thought should be?
- What is working that feels really easy?
- What isn’t working that feels like a slog?
- Take action! Make some changes. Use the data you now have to determine how you’d like to tweak your marketing strategy.

Maybe you have your blind spots nailed down, but you don’t have tracking in place?
Maybe you have tracking in place but you need a visually appealing way to read your data!
Either way – I’ve got a solution for you!
My Marketing Analytics Groundwork Setup is a done for your setup that allows you to begin making data driven decisions about how to grow your business!
Learn more about the Marketing Analytics Groundwork Setup here!

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