Have you ever heard a business owner say that they know EXACTLY where their audience came from? Maybe they talk about how the majority of their newsletter subscribers came from their Instagram audience. Or how most of their blog traffic is driven directly from Google. When you hear those things, you probably have a mix […]
Have you found yourself wondering, “Why is it important to measure my marketing metrics?” If so, my long story short answer is this: Measuring your marketing metrics ✔️allows you to spend your precious energy effectively! ✔️allows you to do business your way, successfully! ✔️allows you to understand what is driving your revenue! ✔️allows you to build a business […]
Shaunda is the Head Creative at the Soul Food Pot. With Kickstart Your Lead Generation, I worked with Shaunda grow her email list to her first 1000 newsletter subscribers and increase growth in her Facebook group! In just 6 weeks she At the beginning of our Meta ads journey we had to shake out some […]
Maybe the thought of beginning to track your marketing metrics makes you want to stick your head in the sand like this fella.. You know it’s important, but it makes you a little sweaty? There is a way to track your marketing metrics in an easeful way! Let’s chat about it! We’ll walk through what […]
Fran is a Client Experience Architect. When Fran came to me she felt like she wasn’t using her website analytics to their fullest potential and was manually tracking everything (adding it to a spreadsheet each month). She wanted an easy-to-decipher analytics dashboard and was ready to hand over creation! With the Marketing Analytics Groundwork service, […]
You’ve probably heard so many different opinions about paid advertising.. Wait until you are killin’ it organically You’ll need to spend thousands of dollarsAds only work for certain industries Don’t give Zuck your hard-earned dollars What if you could buy back your time with ads? After all, that’s one of our finite resources. I know you might […]
Practical, bite-sized steps to start running paid ads asap.